Available at http://www.ruthsuckow.org/
The Ruth Suckow Memorial Association was founded in 1966 to develop "appropriate memorials to the late Ruth Suckow and to further a literary and educational interest in her works." A link to the official website is listed at the bottom of the page.
Iowa Library Association
(ILA) Conference
Cultivating Iowa Authors: Preserving, Planning, & Promotion
A Presentation for the Iowa Library Association--October 11, 2007
Here we are in Coralville last week -- Mike Dargan, Barbara Lounsberry, & Cherie Dargan (upper left) and here is a picture of part of our audience (upper right). Our presentation dealt with the topic of preserving Iowa authors and gave librarians a number of ideas to consider for what to do with books that have an Iowa connection. As part of the presentation, we did a brief reading from Ruth Suckow's short story, “A Rural Community.”
If you want to see the materials from our presentation, they are posted on the Ruth Suckow website, http://www.ruthsuckow.org/ILA2007/
Cultivating Iowa Authors:
Preservation, Planning, & Promotion
Power point presentation (and notes in Word)
Ideas for Cultivating Iowa Authors
Projects for Library/School Partnerships
Iowa Collections: A Foundational List of 50 Texts
Anniversary Dates of Famous Iowa Authors & Books
Iowa Books Available in Multiple Copies (for book groups)
The “Iowa Time Slices” Humanities Iowa Reading/Discussion Series